
Dr. Pia Heußner

  • Liu J et al. CIFeR: A novel Clinician-lead Intervention to address Fear of cancer Recurrence (FCR) in breast cancer survivors.
  • Topping C et al. Relationship between caregiver burden and psychological distress among stem cell transplant (SCT) recipients prior to transplant.
  • Elyze M et al. Enhanced coping and self-efficacy in caregivers of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HCT) recipients: Identifying mechanisms of a multimodal psychosocial intervention.
  • Douglas S et al. Video conference intervention for distance caregivers (DCGs) of patients with cancer: Improving psychological outcomes.
  • Mazanec S et al. Use of simulation for training family caregivers of patients receiving radiation therapy.
  • Cheng K et al. Effects of an e-home based symptom management and mindfulness training program on quality of life in breast cancer survivors.

PD Dr. Marianne Sinn

  • Avutu V et al. Defining patient-elicited concepts unique to adolescents and young adults with cancer.
  • Morales S et al. Health and cancer concerns among siblings of childhood cancer survivors: A report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS)./li>
  • Suzuki N et al. An intervention RCT-study aimed at improving mental health and increasing understanding of fertility preservation with Oncofertility! Psycho-Education And Couple Enrichment (O!PEACE) therapy.
  • Liu E et al. Prevalence and temporal trends of prescription drug use in cancer survivors: A population study, 2001 to 2016.

Survivorship Highlight

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