
Prof. Dr. Claus-Henning Köhne

  • Greenlee H et al. Risk of cardiovascular disease in women with and without a history of breast cancer: The Pathways Heart Study.
  • Kwan M et al. Onset of cardiovascular disease risk factors in women with and without a history of breast cancer: The Pathways Heart Study.
  • van der Schoot G et al. Effect of a tailored exercise intervention during or after chemotherapy on cardiovascular morbidity in cancer patients.
  • Khoury K et al. Long-term follow-up assessment of cardiac safety in SAFE-HEaRt, a clinical trial evaluating the use of HER2-targeted therapies in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer and compromised heart function.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Rick

  • Wardley A et al. ACUFOCIN: Randomized clinical trial of ACUpuncture plus standard care versus standard care alone For Chemotherapy Induced peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN).
  • Mao J et al. Effects of electroacupuncture and auricular acupuncture for chronic pain in cancer survivors: The PEACE randomized controlled trial.
  • Belcher E et al. Assessing the roles of inflammation and blood brain barrier permeability in cognitive impairment: A nationwide longitudinal study of patients receiving chemotherapy and non-cancer controls.
  • Nakamura Z et al. Associations of functional, psychosocial, and medical factors with cognitive impairment in older, chemotherapy-naïve patients with early breast cancer.
  • Marino C et al. Living life post cancer treatment (LLPCT): An assessment of a 12-week multidimensional wellness intervention to improve quality of life and physical activity in cancer survivors.
  • May A et al. Randomized clinical trial on the effect of a supervised exercise program on quality of life, fatigue, and fitness following esophageal cancer treatment (PERFECT study).

Survivorship Highlight

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