Supportive Therapien

PD Dr. Würstlein

  • Hershman D et al. Predictive model of aromatase inhibitor non-adherence using patient-reported outcomes in women with breast cancer (SWOG S1105).
  • Degenhardt T et al. Documentation patterns and impact on observed side effects of the CANKADO ehealth application: An exploratory analysis of the PreCycle trial.
  • Mir O et al. Intervention combining nurse navigators (NNs) and a mobile application versus standard of care (SOC) in cancer patients (pts) treated with oral anticancer agents (OAA): Results of CapRI, a single-center, randomized phase III trial.
  • Calvetti L et al. Home-based management of cancer patients (CPs) experiencing toxicities while on anticancer treatment: The impact of a nurse-led telephone triage (NTT).

Prof. Dr. Jordan

  • Nipp R et al. Randomized trial of a symptom monitoring intervention for hospitalized patients with advanced cancer (NCT03396510).
  • El-Jawahri A et al. Multisite randomized trial of integrated palliative and oncology care for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
  • Aapro M et al. Assessing the impact of antiemetic guideline compliance on prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV): Results of the Nausea/Emesis Registry in Oncology (NERO).

Prof. Dr. de Wit

  • Frelaut M et al. External validation of two predictive scores of chemotherapy toxicities among older patients with solid cancer, from ELCAPA prospective cohort.
  • Bonomi M et al. Results of a randomized, open-label, multicenter trial to assess the safety, dose, and schedule ofRRx-001(001) in reducing incidence, severity and duration of severe oral mucositis (SOM) inpatients receiving concomitant chemoradiation (CRT) for advanced head and neck cancer (HNC).
  • Shenouda M et al. Efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for primary prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in ambulatory cancer patients.

Supportive Therapien Highlight

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