Kopf- & Hals-Tumoren

Prof. Dr. Andreas Dietz

  • Ferris RL et al. Transoral robotic surgical resection followed by randomization to low- or standard-dose IMRT in resectable p16+ locally advanced oropharynx cancer: A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (E3311).
  • Garrel R et al. Equivalence randomized trial comparing treatment based on sentinel node biopsy versus neck dissection in operable T1-T2N0 oral and oropharyngeal cancer.
  • Kiyota N et al. Phase II/III trial of post-operative chemoradiotherapy comparing 3-weekly cisplatin with weekly cisplatin in high-risk patients with squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (JCOG1008).

Dr. Franz-Georg Bauernfeind

  • Harrington KJ et al. KEYNOTE-048: Progression after the next line of therapy following pembrolizumab (P) or P plus chemotherapy (P+C) vs EXTREME (E) as first-line (1L) therapy for recurrent/metastatic (R/M) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).
  • Rischin D et al. Pembrolizumab (P) or P + chemotherapy (C) versus EXTREME (E) as first-line (1L) therapy for recurrent/metastatic (R/M) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC): analysis of KEYNOTE-048 by disease state.
  • Guigay J et al. TPExtreme randomized trial: Quality of Life (QoL) and survival according to second-line treatments in patients with recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M HNSCC).

Kopf- & Hals-Tumoren Diskussion

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