Dermatologische Tumoren

Prof. Selma Ugurel

  • Glitza IC et al. Single-center phase I/Ib study of concurrent intrathecal (IT) and intravenous (IV) nivolumab (N) for metastatic melanoma (MM) patients (pts) with leptomeningeal disease (LMD).
  • Ascierto PA et al. Time to central nervous system (CNS) metastases (mets) with atezolizumab (A) or placebo (P) combined with cobimetinib (C) + vemurafenib (V) in the phase III IMspire150 study.
  • Queirolo P et al. A phase II study evaluating atezolizumab (A), cobimetinib (C), and vemurafenib (V) in patients (pts) with BRAF-mutant melanoma and central nervous system (CNS) metastases (mets).

Prof. Ralf Gutzmer

  • Rischin D et al. Phase II study of cemiplimab in patients (pts) with advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC): Longer follow-up.
  • Migden MR et al. Health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) treated with cemiplimab: Post hoc exploratory analyses of a phase II clinical trial.
  • Wong MKK et al. KRT-232, a first-in-class, murine double minute 2 inhibitor (MDM2i), for TP53 wild-type (p53WT) Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) after anti–PD-1/L1 immunotherapy.
  • Rischin D et al. A phase III, randomized, double-blind study of adjuvant cemiplimab versus placebo post-surgery and radiation therapy (RT) in patients (pts) with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC).XXXX

Prof. Dirk Schadendorf

  • Long GV et al. Long-term survival from pembrolizumab (pembro) completion and pembro retreatment: Phase III KEYNOTE-006 in advanced melanoma.
  • Hepner A et al. The nature and management of acquired resistance to PD1-based therapy in melanoma.
  • Anagnostou V et al. Integrative tumor and immune cell multi-omic analyses to predict melanoma response to immune checkpoint blockade.

Dermatologische Tumoren Highlight

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