Dermatologische Tumoren

Prof. Axel Hauschild

  • Eggermont AM et al. Pembrolizumab versus placebo after complete resection of high-risk stage III melanoma: New recurrence-free survival results from the EORTC 1325-MG/Keynote 054 double-blinded phase III trial at three-year median follow-up.
  • Hauschild A et al. Long-term benefit of adjuvant dabrafenib + trametinib (D+T) in patients (pts) with resected stage III BRAF V600–mutant melanoma: Five-year analysis of COMBI-AD.
  • Bhave P et al. Melanoma recurrence after adjuvant targeted therapy: A multicenter analysis.

Prof. Jessica Hassel

  • Olson D et al. Significant antitumor activity for low-dose ipilimumab (IPI) with pembrolizumab (PEMBRO) immediately following progression on PD1 Ab in melanoma (MEL) in a phase II trial.
  • Da Silva IP et al. Ipilimumab (IPI) alone or in combination with anti-PD-1 (IPI+PD1) in patients (pts) with metastatic melanoma (MM) resistant to PD1 monotherapy.
  • Postow MA et al. A phase II study to evaluate the need for > two doses of nivolumab + ipilimumab combination (combo) immunotherapy.

Dermatologische Tumoren Diskussion

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